Codling Moth Maps

Codling Moth Neighbourhood Maps are available by clicking on the map above or finding your area in the links below. These maps show codling moth trap data from the previous season for all the apple and pear orchards throughout SIR’s service area.

Neighbourhood maps can prove useful for growers, or their advisors, in determining what level of risk they may face from codling moth within their orchards, or from surrounding orchards. Assessing whether or not a spray was recommended for your orchard, as well as nearby orchards, can help determine if extra control measures may be needed in your orchard, or parts of it, for the upcoming season.

2023 Codling Moth Neighbourhood Maps

Updated April 2023

Please keep in mind that the information shown on these maps is data collected over the 2022 growing season, to assist in planning for the 2023 growing season.

Please review the legend on the maps for details, and contact us if you have any questions.